Thursday, January 18, 2007

Words in South

In South words have no meaning and the words may have all the meaning. You can talk to someone for hours and at the end of the conversation you realize that you haven't spoken anything. At other times you say one word and without any further explanation, all is told.

In South, the moment people open their mouths, the words flow like a river. They flow, flow and flow. I sometimes find myself floating in their river of the words. My imagination goes with this flow and takes me somewhere different, somewhere far from the topic. When I return to the words, I see they are still there continuing: flowing. I catch one word and carry on the conversation as if nothing happened.


Stran said...

Words are just that. A group of letters that get together. And they serve the purpose of who speaks them, nothing else. The feelings is what counts, and down here in the south we abuse them like that. Because you don't need to say one word to demonstrate your feeling and you don't need to be silent if that will remind you that you are all alone in this world...

E. said...

Words that unite us and words that separate us. I guess that what words in South serve to...

Stran said...
