Monday, February 26, 2007


I've seen the lines on his face got deeper, I've seen his very first wrinkles. Nevertheless he continued to have a sweet smile on his face. He was just older. Just like me. The more I looked at him the more I saw my face. And the more I saw his face, the more I got lost in this universe.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Never Land

I left everything behind, came to Never land, didn't take anything from my previous life.
In my second day of my new life, I realized that I didn't bring anything from home but you. I screamed in my thoughts, I yelled at you. I slammed all the doors. I hated you.

This unknown country turned home so quickly.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Kids on Taquile Island

I was sitting at my table at the airport reading my book. To have a short break I began to observe Peruvian families having dinner at nearby tables. Among them, I saw two kids; one boy and a girl, giggling and eating their ice-creams happily. My mind went back to the kids on Taquile Island. A day ago, the kids on Taquile Island with no shoes on their feet and with hopeful eyes were trying to sell me the bracelets they had made. Their timid voices were echoing in my ears. A cluster of sweet whispers, a pair of dark slant eyes and sunburned small hands were choosing the best colors for me.

The kids at the airport were so lucky to be able to buy ice-creams. The kids on the island didn't even know what an ice-cream was.

I started crying, literally bursting into tears.
Among the laughter of others.

No, I didn't buy the bracelets. I only know now, I wish I did.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Venezuelean Police Officer

She asked my name. A silence followed from my side. She repeated the question. I continued to be silent. For the first time in my life, in Venezuela, I felt so detached from my own self. My identity was left behind in a different continent and I was no one and nothing in this new world. These feelings stirred me up and urged me to write down these lines at the airport.

There was nothing else to do.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Back from Latin America

After a long trip to Latin America, I've returned to the point I began:

Here, now and me again.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Heading to South America

How do people wake up to the day over there? What do they dream during the day? What's in their heart as the sun sets? What passes through their minds when the night falls? What do they hope when their eyes closed?

I don't know, but I would like to know. I wonder how they smile, how they look up the sky and what their eyes see different than mine. These wishes will take me to South America. In the following weeks, my pages will be blank, but my heart will be filled. With joy.