Monday, January 22, 2007

He Inside Me

Sometimes, unexpectedly and unnecessarily, I show all my bravery.
A short while later, I understand it wasn't me, but it was you inside me made me act in this way.

At other times, unintentionally and unwillingly, I hurt people's feelings. And I feel sad.
A short while later, I understand it wasn't me, but it was you inside me made me hurt them in this way.

Sometimes, stupidly, I tell the words I shouldn't have. And I suffer.
A short while later, I understand it wasn't me, but it was you inside me made me utter all those words.

Most of the times, I feel regretful for my feelings for you,not counting all the bad things you have done.
A short while later, I understand it wasn't me, but it was you inside me made me feel in this silly way.

And now, although I have the entire world to write about, I choose you.
And this time, like any other time, I know it wasn't me, but it was you inside me made me drop all these lines...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You only need to exist and he needs to exist too. Probably he's thinking the same way as you...probably you are inside he is inside you.

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