Monday, August 28, 2006

She, He and The Other

He's making love to his wife in their bedroom-as usual.Startled by her indifference in bed, he reaches an orgasm. And she? He never knows. He'd never know. Litting his cigarette, he resents his life secretly. His thoughts travel back and forth to her. He wonders in whose arms she falls asleep every, every night.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

She and He

She is travelling by bus while reading a book. She catches a glimpse of her past through one word hidden hundreds of lines of the book. She stops reading. Her world stops for a while on that bus. She sinks in deep thoughts. She remembers him.

He's studying at his desk, listening to some music meanwhile. He catches a phrase in the lyrics of the song. He stops his work. His world stops by that song. He sinks in deep thoughts. He remembers her.

The trip is now over, she's back to reality. It was a beautiful dream, she thinks, and smiles at her boyfriend sitting next to her.

The song is now over, he sighes deeply. It was a beautiful dream, he thinks, and continues his work-as nothing has ever happened.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

All I've been Writing

I'm not telling stories, I'm talking about my life!